WITH GOD’S LAW?

God uses your life response to sort
             the followers of the Lord
                            from the followers of Satan.
  See how many ways the Bible points to Jesus.

          We are all saved by God’s Grace through faith like Abraham “the follower of God,” our “father of faith.”  Then we should follow in the steps of faith of our father Abraham.
          The Lord called Abraham out of Ur from a life of idolatry and false worship.  He promised Abraham a life of blessings to follow Him to a new land,  separate from his relatives (Gen 12:1).

 All followers of God keep His Law as Abraham did. 

The chaos in the world churches today is because every “church” is doing what is right in their own eyes (Judges 21:25, NASB throughout);

           Many Jewish Synagogues do not teach that Jesus (Yeshua) is the prophesied Messiah. They ignore that He is prophesied often in the Old Testament of the Bible! And they do not use the New Testament writings! (ref. testimonies from OneforIsreal.com).

          Many Evangelical Christian churches do not teach to repent to the Old Testament Law of Moses. Jesus referenced the writings of Moses in His teachings (Jn 5:46-47, Heb 10:26-29)! They honor the Lord with their lips but their heart is far away, neglecting the commandment of God in order to hold to the traditions of men (Mk 7:7).

          Many "traditional" churches do not teach all of the Bible.  They ignore parts of scriptures that do not fit their own church teachings!  Some teach that they have authority and intend to change God’s law (Dan 7:25)!   
         The Roman Catholic Church in Rome claimed to have the authority to change the Lord's Sabbath Day from the seventh day to the first day of the week!  The majority of the "Christian" churches today do not even question their teaching! (read their chatecism teaching about the Sabbath).
         We are to keep Jesus Christ’s New Covenant laws written on our mind and on our heart (Heb 8:10).

          The Bible teaches what we are to do with God’s Law.  We are to live by it to show our allegiance and faith to God.  He provided a way to return to Him to have life (Ex 13:3, 6-10, 11-16, Rom 7:10).  We are to love God’s Law.  Our trust grounded obedience shows we have faith in Him.

          In the Old Testament, living “in Canaan Land” was God’s Promised inheritance land.  In the New Testament, living “in Christ” is living God’s Promised inheritance land - according to His covenant laws written on our minds and hearts (Gal 3:28-29).

          If we are Christ’s, then we are Abraham’s offspring, heirs according to promise (Gal 3:29). 
This study examines how we should grow the same way Abraham grew when he left the idolatry in Ur, left his family, and followed the Lord to Canaan to learn Faith and Law. We should grow in the “steps of faith” of our father Abraham (Gen Ch 12-17, Rom 1:17, 4:1-16). 

 It is vital to be able to recognize false teachings and avoid Satan’s delusions which he intends to spread through all churches – his mixture of lies and truth – as he taught to Adam and Eve (Gen 2:17 – 3:5).

Most churches today have apostatized from the Lord’s covenant teachings. No one questions the Bible about the blasphemy.  When did they stop following the guidance of the Holy Spirit “into all truth” (Jn 16:7-13)?  A church apostatizes and blasphemes by not following the Holy Spirit into all truth, as Jesus said they should do. 
They have either blasphemed, or have never understood the kingdom of God because they haven’t been born again from above (Mt 12:31-32, Jn3:3, 8:23-24, 44).  
Of these two possibilities – I hope it is the second so they would still have hope.

Some who attend church follow the wrong spirit because they were born to the father from below (Jn 8:23-24, 44). The devil steals the seed of God’s word from their heart just as he stole the word from Eve’s heart in Eden (Gen 3:1-5).

        Let us examine the history of the Lord’s people including Adam, Abraham, and God’s people Israel. See throughout the Bible how faith in God and honor of His Law fill their testimonies.

        Jesus’ disciples are those who come out from the multitudes of the world, to separate and be followers of the Lord - and ultimately discipline their lives to His teachings. 
        These “disciples” come to Jesus to ASK for more understanding and wisdom and knowledge of His teachings (Lk 8:18, 19: 22-26, 1 Cor 10:1-11).

       We must not lift ideas out of the Bible context Use the complete Bible picture.   Know it and Learn from its harmony.

Take care how you listen – you can gain more wisdom or, loose what you think you have!  The family of Jesus are those “who hear the word of God and do it” (Lk8:18,21).
This study will look at people who were willing to love the Lord more than their father, child, spouse and even their own life, as Jesus taught (Lk 14:26, 27, 33).
Read about Wisdom in proverbs CH 1-3. 

      We need to grow in The steps of faith of Abraham    our father of faith. 
Abraham was credited as being righteous because he showed his faith in God (by believing and following the Lord’s promises). 
He was willing to trust the Lord to show him a place away from idolatry. A place away from his family traditions in Ur of Chadea and free from following his father’s pagan idolatry teachings!   He was even willing to even sacrifice his son Isaac to demonstrate his faith in the Lord (Gen 22:2, 22-27). 

Years later Abraham was credited as being faithful and obedient to all the Lord’s Laws (Gen 17:22-27, 26:5).     
This sequence illustrates the “obedience of faith” the Lord had Paul describe as an example for us today in the letter to the Romans (Rom 1:5, 16:26).  
         This whole special book of Romans is dedicated to this subject –
how to switch your loyalty from sinful alliances, to show faith the Lord (Rom 6:17-19).  
         These steps of faith of our father Abraham occurred before he was circumcised (obeyed law of the covenant). 

 Obey God because of faith in His promises as Abraham did.  Learn to walk this way.
Jesus said; “If you are Abraham’s children, do the deeds of Abraham (Jn 8:39).
Rom 4:10-16.   We are to follow Abraham our spiritual father of faith as he followed the Lord’s laws.  The Lord continued the promises of His covenant from Abraham to Isaac because Abraham obeyed the Lord, and kept His charge, His commandments, His statutes and His Laws (Gen 26:5, Rom 4:16).

             NOTICE  the steps of faith of Abraham as he followed the Lord;

#1-   Gen 12:1-3 surrender your will and trust the Lord’s guidance. Go forth from your relatives and father’s house to where I will show you.
#2-    Gen 13:8-9, 11.  Separate from strife in life and your business family and your relatives and your father’s house (Gen 13:14-16, 22:1-12).   Abraham loved his nephew Lot. He let Lot choose where he would like to live. Lot was attracted to the world of Sodom but Abraham obeyed God (Gen 13:13). 
#3-    Gen 14:21-23.  We must love the Lord more than wealth and possessions or worldly relationships and our own plan for family descendants.

Compare the teachings of these Old Testament standards to the New Testament Teachings of Jesus: 
We find them repeated by Jesus our Lord for all of us today, in the New Covenant (Luke 14:26, 27, 33; Heb 8:10 Lord’s New Covenant);

   1-    Luke 14:26 – hate father, family, children and even own life.
   2-    Luke 14:27 carry your own cross and come after Me. Serve others.
   3-    14:33-    give up all ‘his own possessions’ and plans for descendants.

 NOTICE – Jesus said to ‘love God first.  This is the first great commandment.’  The second is like it, ‘You shall love our neighbor as yourself.’ 

Our obedience of faith in the Lord teaches God’s covenant laws to those around us and testifies of our faith in Jesus, as we love others.
Others had a faith like Abraham, that led them to adapt (repent) to God’s Law in their life;
See the Mixed Multitude “Israel” those in the exodus from Egypt Gen 6:2, Ex 12: 38, 49).  Also;
Ruth the Moabitess (1:4-6, 2:11, 16, 3:11).
Rahab the harlot from Jericho (Jas 2:24-26)
Nebuchadnezzer the Babylonian king’s talk turned from self to the Lord, the King of heaven (Dan 4:28-30, 34-37).  
Paul the Roman citizen (Acts 21;39, 25:8, 24:14). He showed obedience of faith in Jesus and His Covenant Law.

These all became heirs of the same inheritance as promised to Abraham because they were attracted to God’s Word of promise and they turned to follow His Way as we are today.

God’s laws existed before they were written down. They have never changed (Mal 3:6, Mt 5:19, Luke 16:17, Rom 1:18-23, 15:4, Heb 13:8).  Abraham knew the laws which were from the foundation of the world, before they were written (Gen 26:5).    
Our father of faith Abraham lived in the idolatrous, pagan country of Ur, of the Chaldeans. He followed the Lord to Canaan.  He worshiped the Lord and kept His charge, His commandments, His statutes, and His laws (Gen 26:5,).  Paul summarized Abraham’s life in these references (Rom 4:10-16, Gal 3:2-11, 15, 19-24).

All men sort themselves into two predestined groups. We are either followers of the Creator’s Truth (The Lord, Jn 14:6) or followers the teachings of a created creature, the devil’s lies (Mk 7:6-8, Rom 1;25).  The angels in heaven had these same two choices as we do today!

 All of us are free to choose who to believe just as Adam and Eve and also Abraham, were free to choose (Gen 2:16-17, 3:1-6, Dt 30:15-20, Mt 11:28-30, Rev 12:09)!
The Bible uses many writers to explain how we are justified by faith.   After we have rebelled, and again want peace with God, we must humble ourselves by believing and following the Lord. This is Repentance.
There are many examples for us.  Some in Israel would return to Him to accept the Lord’s discipline and (Lev 2:40, Rom 15:4, 1Cor 10:1-11).  This would leave a faithful remnant of His people (Rom 9:27).

Jesus said; this is the judgment (Jn 3:19-21);
         Do you come to the Light or hide from the Light?
          I am the Light – come to the light (Jn 8;12 ).

MY sheep hear MY voice and they follow ME
(Jn 10:27).     Take care what you listen to (Mk 4;24).
We are to grow in our faith in Jesus by learning more of Him, and by disciplining our lives to listen to His voice through the teaching of His covenant laws (Mt 11:28-29, 13:10-11, Lk 8:9-10, 10:27? ).  These tell us how He wants us to live.

Paul wrote the letter to the Romans to teach new believers in Jesus to follow and worship the Lord,the Creator, instead of Caesar, who Romans considered the King of Roman Empire. 
This letter was to explain how to show their “obedience of faith” in Jesus – the King of Israel – in their testimony ( Rev 12:11).  How to turn from idolatry because of belief in the Lord.

NOTE    “Obedience of faith” is not “faith in Obedience.”

The Roman people were being taught that the Roman Emperor, Caesar Augustus, was their savior of the world and the king who had brought times of peace to Rome (A spectator’s guide to Jesus, John Dickson, 2008, Wilkinson, House,pp133-134).                                                                                                                                                                                                               New Roman followers of Jesus were to switch allegiance, and loyalty to show gratitude to the Lord for deliverance from the worldly, fleshly Roman Emperor, Julius Augustus, to the true spiritual,  King Jesus, the King of the Universe (ancient Hebrew prayers, Rom 6:16, 18- 19, 22).

The Father accepted Jesus in heaven because He lived – according to Scripture.  He lived without sin as prophesied through God’s prophets and His holy Convocations (Lev CH 23, Jn 1:29, 1Cor 15:3-4, Heb 8:5, 9:1). 

       Jesus lived according to the law.  He acted out and fulfilled the holy feast days and God’s Law so that we can identify Him, and see His plan of redemption.
        This is the annual picture in Leviticus CH 23.  Satan has made every effort to hide this from you (Mt 13:9, 37-39, Gal 3:24, Rev 12:9, 17). 
         These seven holy convocations, or appointed times of the Lord, occur in an annual pattern like the agricultural cycles do.  They imply that we are to produce fruit of God’s Holy Spirit (Jn 15:1-2, Gal 5:22). 
The another of the Lord’s holy times is the weekly Sabbath time – the seventh day Sabbath Rest is the eighth feast which teaches to rest in the Lord’s completed works (Lev 23:2-3, Heb 4:1-10).

          All the covenant laws, Sabbath days, and the feast days of the Lord were given to all men, not just Jews.  These are for those who desire to learn and follow Jesus.  We can have rest through His atonement which He made with our Creator God by His blood sacrifice, and be grafted into Israel’s tree (Ex 12:38,44,48, Lev CH 23, Num 15:14-16, Jer 11:16-17, Rom 11:16-24, Heb 9:1).

God’s people were in bondage to Pharaoh in Egypt according to the covenant with Abraham (Gen 15:13-14).  This is symbolic of our being in bondage to the devil today.  Many do not even know it!  See link to reference article “ADAM AND EVE’S SIMPLE CHOICE,” see paragrah “Satan’s schemes.”

These laws teach us to have faith in Jesus’ sacrifice  for our sins.  You should obey His teachings. You should be heard testifying with your mouth of what He has already done for you (Ex 13:7-9, 16). 

The Lord has provided the deliverance and redemption for us to protect us from the curse of the Law, which is a death penalty because of our transgression of God’s laws (Gen 2:17, Ex 11:6, 12:3-7, 12-13, Dt 30:15-18, Josh 23:14-15, Ezek 18:4, 1Jn 3:4, Gal 3:19,22, Heb 9:15). 

We say we believe in Jesus sacrifice, and believe He is the Son of God. Should we keep the laws of a man instead of the laws of our Creator in His covenants (Heb 4:1-10, 9:1)?

Our actions of dis-obedience flow out of our slavery to sin from following the devil’s teachings (Rom 6:16).          
Our actions of obedience must flow out of our faith and actions following the Lord’s teachings.
Many churches today have apostatized. Few even questions the point of blasphemy – when they stopped following the Holy Spirit into all truth. They vehemently teach that all who recognize God’s law are wrong!

The Roman Catholic Church teaches that they have the authority to change God’s Law (search “Rome’s Challenge” on internet). They claim they are the church which intended to change the sanctity of the Lord’s appointed times and holy convocations (Lev 23:3, Dan 7, 19-25).  If the devil can deceive you into believing a lie and make you sin he will have devoured you (1Pet 5:8).

In our Lord’s covenant law He says, “You shall have no other gods besides Me.  You shall not worship them or serve them for I the Lord am a jealous God” (Ex 20:3, 5-6).
Those following wrong teachings have either blasphemed or never did understand the kingdom of God because they haven’t been born again from above.
Of these two possibilities – I hope it is the second. They would still have hope.

          Our actions and words provide the Mark of the Lord  (Ex 13:6, 16) to distinguish us from followers of any other god or the devil’s counterfeit obedience and counterfeit mark (Rev 13:16).   See WARNING at end of study.

         The  Mark of the Lord or the Mark of the Beast are automatic results depending on who you follow. The beast mark is only an imitation - a counterfeit of the Lord's mark.  You must get the true Mark of the Lord to be accepted into heaven.

The Mark of the Lord is seen in Abraham (Jn 8:39).  These are the works of God (Gen 26; 5, Mt 7:19-21, Jn 5:28-29, 1Cor 2;6-14, Gal 5:4-6, Titus 2:7,  Jas 2:14-26).  We must talk of the God’s deliverance and His Redemption through Jesus Christ (Ex 13:7-9, 14-16).

Our lives must carry the mark of those who believe in the Lord.
      We must feel indebted to Him and follow Him.
            We must praise Him because He delivered us and 
                   redeemed us.
                           Be Grateful and humble.
“If you love Me, you will keep My commandments,” (John 14:15, Col 1:16). 

We must see the covenant blessings of God we inherit for being grafted into Israel.   Join the exodus from the slavery of sin, just as some of the Egyptians joined the Israelite multitude (Ex 12:38, 43-50).
  We now have the privilege of choosing to join “Israel” and be able to inherit the same blessings as an heir (Dt 30:15, Jn 3:16, Rom 3:1, 9:4, 11:17-24, Gal 3:29)!

Our heart is a garden.  We are to cultivate the soil of our heart to grow the fruits of the Holy Spirit (Mt 13:19-23, Gal 5:22-24).  The Holy Spirit guides us and teaches us (Jn 14:16, 15:2, 16:5-15).  We must cultivate and keep the garden of our heart (Gen 2: 15).

       KEY:  Our obedience must be from the result of faith in Jesus’ redemption for us – not to be looked at as the way to obtain Jesus’ mercy (Rom 2:23, 3:20, Gal 3:11). 
Our obedience must be the fruit of our faith,   not the root of faith. We seek to be grafted into the cultivated olive tree from the wild olive tree (Rom 7:17,24).

Lucifer, called the devil, and Satan was the first to sin in heaven and was thrown down to earth because of his war with God’s angels (Rev 12:3-4, 8-9, 12-13).   Adam and Eve had been lied to by the devil and deceived by his mixture of truth and lies to lure them into following his teaching instead of the Lord’s commandments (Gen 3:1-5, Jn 8:39-44, 2Thes 2:7-12, 1pet 5:8)! 
The devil was allowed to enter the world to test men (Job 1:9, 2:4, Judg 2:1-3, 2 Thes2:11).

Paul’s letter to the Romans tells us that all men sin (Rom 5:12-14).  Adam and Eve were the first to sin on earth, while they were in the perfect Garden of Eden at Creation.

What advantage has the Jew?  A Jew is a member of Israel and all their advantages are listed in Romans 3:1 and 9:4-5.
The Lord delivered His people Israel out of bondage to sin and slavery in Egypt, in order to bring them into the righteousness of the Kingdom of heaven (Dt 6:20-23, 1Cor 10:1-11, Rom 6: 16, 18- 19, 22, 15:4).

See a summary of Satan’s schemes in Jesus’ Parable of “The Sower” and letters of St. Paul (Mt 13:19, 21, 38, 2Cor 4:4, 11:14, 2Thes2:7-12, 1Pet5:8). See link to “ADAM AND EVE’S CHOICE
Adam and Eve were the first to fail the test of faith in God’s    covenant (Hosea 6:7).
         The Lord God commanded the man saying, “From any tree of the garden you may freely eat; but from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat.”  They had been given one commandment from the Lord and they did not keep it! They did not have a love of the Truth (2Thes 2:7-12).  They were deceived into following a half-truth of the serpent devil Satan (Gen 2:16-17, 3:1-5).

Moses reminded God’s people at Mt. Sinai the Lord was giving them His Laws to test them! (Ex 16:4, 20:20, Judg 2:22).

The Lord wants us to separate from the world of evil.
 Separate from the devil and idolatrous peoples who will lead us to turn away from following the Lord and accepting our true condition and the Lord’s covenant terms (Gen 4:11, Num 33:50-, Josh 23:11-13, Judg 2-3, Lk 23:40-41).

  The Lord made Adam and Eve and breathed life into them, but they turned away from their Creator’s Way and followed the serpent devil’s mixture of deceitful teachings about good and evil (Gen 3:1, Josh 23:14-16, Jn 8:44, Dt 30:15, 2Cor 6:16 – 7:1).

“Evil” is anything that is not of the Lord.  Jesus is Truth (Jn 14:6).  We are to choose to follow the Lord’s commandments, and separate from the deluding influence of Satan which he reproduces in “man’s traditions” (Mk 7:6-8). Satan is the father of lies (Jn 8:44).

A mixture of Truth and a lie is a lie. This is “evil.”
In the Bible “flesh” is used to describe human nature frail and erring-man against God, as flesh (Strong’s Concordance #H1320).  Flesh was against the spirit (Gen 6:2-3, Gal 5:17). 

Consider the consistency of Bible teachings 

Consider living by God’s law to show faith and loyalty to Him
        Ideas of “separating from the world of flesh” appear all through the Bible - from Gen 3 through Revelation.  Sin is crouching at your door and its desire is for you. You must master it (Gen 4:7, Rom 6:5-11) 
 The “Ruler of world” is Satan, the father of lies (Jn 8:44, 12:31).  Adam believed his teachings and ignored the Lord.

See the following two Charts (A and B ) showing the Bible View of God’s dealings;

                                            CHART   A


Heaven -   the rebellious and prideful are thrown out of heaven (Is 14:11-19,     Ezek  28:1-18).
Eden     -    Lord sent ‘man’ out of Eden – put guards put at entrance to garden to test man’s faith and obedience (Gen 3:22, Ex 16:4, Dt 8:2).

       Separate from the “world of flesh.”
               These major ideas from
                       four heads of the covenants:

NOAH     -   went into arc with family – he alone was righteous in the world.   He separated from all wicked “flesh” which was to die (Gen 6:9, 13-17, 7:1-5, 7, 13, 2 Pet 2:5).
ABRAHAM  - faithfully separated from idolatry of Ur and family. He showed faith by obeying all the Lord’s commandments (Gen 17:14a, 26:5, Rom 8:12-14). Choose to ‘cut off flesh’ or be cut-off from God’s people.
MOSES    -  refused to be called the son of Pharaoh and left Egypt and led “Israel” out of bondage in slavery, and idolatry into God’s ways
( Ex 3:10, 17, Dt 6:21-23, Josh 23:12-16, Heb 11:24-27).
JESUS   -   believe – come out – sanctify, separate from world, choose life or death (Lk 13:1, Jn 3:1, 17:14-16).


Separate” from world = cut-off the world = “Threat of death” = remove the sin of Lucifer
         (Josh 23:15, Isaiah 14:1, 14, 12-16,  Ezek 28:2-5, 12-18, 1 Cor 10:13).

Sinners in many of Jesus’ parables were no more sinners than us today.
           LINK:   (markofthelord.blogspot.com, scroll to “Bad News”)


Join God’s People “ISRAEL”
        The Lord instructed Moses to give His Laws to all His followers. All native born and aliens who have joined Israel with them –

They are collectively called “Israel  (Ex 12:38, 49,  Num 14:14-16, Rom 2:26, 29, 11:13-24).

See the Bible Outline in the Four Rivers from Eden

These four Rivers represent the messages of the four major covenants made with prophets who led the people of Israel at their period of history.
The messages teach to separate from world of “flesh.”

These rivers are placed after creation and before the fall of man so we can see the importance of them in leading a person back to Eden if they are led astray.   They highlight the Lord’s love of man to show these steps - how to return to Him after we sin by following other gods (Dt 8:19-20).  He offers grace and forgiveness by offering this plan.  The rivers symbolize His major covenants.

After Adam and Eve turned away from our Lord’s Covenant teaching, they followed another’s teachings. They felt guilty and hid (Gen 3:1-6, Hos 6:4).
They should have chosen to set their minds on the spirit – not on the flesh and its physical lusts (Rom 8:6-8).

When anyone wants to return to the Lord – they can follow the Four rivers’ teachings. The Lord describes this picture in Genesis (Gen 2:10-14). 

 These rivers teach of the four major “heads of ideas” found in the major covenants which flow out of the Eden story (Gen 2:10 footnote; rivers are ‘heads’).


The Greek historian Philo lived at the same as Jesus Christ and the Apostle Paul, and understood the Greek Jewish beliefs of the day.

God desires to motivate our righteousness through His promise rather than through the law,……as the Lord motivated Abraham (Romans 4:5, 9:30-32).
            Philo said, “..let us now proceed to relate the cause for which God, having pronounced these ten commandments or laws, in simple injunctions and prohibitionsappointed no punishment for those who should violate them, as lawgivers usually do.
             The reason is this: he was God, and being so he was at once the good Lord, the cause of good alone, and of no evil.

           “So then He judges that it was in accordance with His being to issue His saving commandments free from any admixture of punishment
….that men might choose the best, not involuntarily, but of deliberate purpose, not taking senseless fear but the good sense of reason for their counselor. 
              “For it is proper for all the ministers and lieutenants of God (in this case  Moses) just as for generals in war, to put in practice severe punishments against those deserters, who forsake the ranks of the just one,”  (Yonge, The Decalogue, paragraph #176,178).

We must choose to accept the Lord’s ways and separate from the world’s ways which the Bible calls ‘flesh”, or “natural man”, or “the ways of the devil” (1 Cor 2:7, 12-16).

All these Four Rivers, or ‘heads of ideas’ (Strong’s Concordance S#H7218) are four ‘thought teachings’).  They are like a gently flowing river (1Kin 19:11-12, Is 8:6).  The devil’s representatives are like loud, pushy high pressure salesmen, urgently pushing the teachings of the ‘deceiver (Is 8:6, 2Thes2:7-12).’

        (see paragraph, “Mt. Sinai covenant speech”).

The Rivers From Eden Are Symbols
We learn in Isaiah that rivers can symbolize the kings that surround the river, i.e. his teachings (Is 8:6-8). 

Consider the meanings of the four major rivers which are taught between creation and the fall.

Eden picture: 
Notice the four major Covenants, which make  up the story in Eden (Genesis Chapters 2-6).
         The four following pictures are represented by the four rivers which divide from the teaching which flows out of Eden:

These are the main themes which are illustrated in all of the Bible;

#1     THE CREATOR GOD  The Lord created all things “good,” (Gen1:31). When we turn away from His ways He wants to recreate us His way (2 Cor 5:15-17).                                      

#3     EVIL (the Deceiver) ENTERS THE WORLD TO TEST US  (2 Thes 2:7-12).  

        The results of discipline  depend on how we perceive the Lord’s discipline. If we react with  Bitterness - (Cain) because of an unrepentant attitude not seeing our sin and lawlessness (Gen 3:8-24, 4:3-7, :13-26).  
         Or with JOY -  if we accept the Lord’s discipline as corrective and express gratitude for the teaching, the Lord accepts us as a son (Heb 12:2,7-11).

         These depend on whether we see ourselves as “sinners” (Lk 18:10-14,   1 Jn3:4 that have broken God’s law and need mercy and forgiveness - to be accepted back into fellowship with God).
 The four following pictures represent the four rivers which divide from the teaching which flows out of Eden:

        Jesus is pictured fulfilling the four covenants.  He illustrates the goal of the law for all of us (Math 5:17-20, Rom 10:4, 1 Cor 2:6-15):

                                     CHART  B
              Summaries of the four major covenants

               COVENANT  TEACHINGS

1-              PISHON River symbolizes - Covenant with Noah.

We are taught that the Lord hates the worldly/”flesh” influence on man’s spirit.  God’s will is to destroy flesh “which is only full of wicked thoughts continually” (Gen 6:3).  People who love the flesh more than the Lord are “wicked.” He gave Noah His plans to build an ark to save his family, which prefigures His plan to give plans to have Jesus Christ build a church to save His family from His planned destruction of flesh (Gen 6, 17, Ex 333:20,  Jn 3:16-21, Rom 8:12-14, 1Cor 2:14 = “natural man”).

          “Man” refers to the “natural common man” before he is born from above by the Holy Spirit (Strong’s Concordance # H120 and #H7230). Jesus taught “unless one is born from above he cannot see the kingdom of God (Jn 3:3).”  Only then can he discern spiritual things (1 Cor 2:14).

          Our Lord wants us to separate from our worldly, wicked flesh by laying aside the “old self” spiritually (Rom 6:6, 1Cor 2:10-16, Eph 4:22).                Jesus came to earth to establish a new covenant for us and provide a church for men to get into as Noah's arc provided protection from the 
flood which destroyed the evil men of that day (Gen 6:5-14).

2-             GIHON River symbolizes – Covenant with Abraham.

The Lord told Abram (Abraham), “Walk before Me and be blameless and I will establish My covenant between Me and you. You shall be circumcised in your flesh.” But an uncircumcised male who is not circumcised in the flesh of his foreskin that person shall be cut off from his people – he has broken My covenant (Gen 17:1, 10, 14).

This again pictures we are to leave the spiritual influence of a worldly home, family, and possessions to follow the Lord for His inheritance, i.e. eternal life.  Ur was an idolatrous nation of the Chaldean Nation (Josh 24:2).

           Jesus said, “If we value any things more than Him and His covenant teachings, we cannot be His disciple or gain His inheritance, i.e. eternal life (Gen 12:1-4, Gen 26:5, Luke 14:22, 23, 33, Jn 17:14-19, Jas 4:4).  Jesus was in the world but not part of the world, I glorified Thee (Jn 17:4-14).                                      See WARNING at end of study.

3-    Tigris River symbolizes – Covenant with Moses and God’s People Today 
In the covenant law at Mt. Sinai the Lord promised to guide them with an angel He would send with them, but the Lord warned His people, that they should be on their guard before him and obey his voice.  Do not be rebellious toward him, for he will not pardon your transgressions, since the Lord’s name is in him (Ex 23:21-22).

After the Lord freed Israel from slavery in Egypt the He saw that the people corrupted themselves again.  They sinned by making and worshiping a golden calf idol.  The Lord wanted to destroy them, but Moses interceded with the Lord (Ex 32:7-14, 30-35). 

Moses interceded for the people and asked the Lord, to journey with His people to the Promised Land, and that he might know the Lord (Ex 33:13). The Lord promised to send His angel before them (Ex 33:12-17) and to show Moses His glory (Ex 33:18-19). 

The Lord told Moses, “No ‘man’ can see God and live.” The old man must die.  Then “natural man” can be born again from above and see the kingdom of God (Ex 33:20, Jn 3:3). 

Years later the Lord promised Jesus’ followers He would give them a “Helper,” the Holy Spirit to guide them (Jn14:16, 25, 15:26, 16:7). 
Later Jesus cautioned; “Any sin and blasphemy shall be forgiven, or word spoken against the Son of Man (Jesus), it shall be forgiven him;  but whoever shall speak against the Holy Spirit, it shall not be forgiven him, either in this age, or in the next” (Mt12:31-32).

The Lord sends the Holy Spirit to His followers to guide them into all truth and teach them to grow in knowledge about Jesus  and what He has done for us (Jn16:7-15).

 If we speak against what He has taught us, we contradict and deny the Holy Spirit guidance.  Then the words out of our mouth wouldn’t be what He has taught us to speak.  It would be Satan’s teachings – a mixture of God’s Truth and Satan’s lies.  This is called blasphemy (Gen 2:16-17, 3:1-5, Mk 3:28-30).

4-               Euphrates River symbolizes – theCovenant between Jesus and man              today.

 We can understand the Mystery of the Gospel of Jesus Christ since He came and showed us the goal of the Law (Mt 5:18, Rom 10:4).  Jesus kept all the laws without sin or lawlessness. And He lived out and fulfilled all of the Holy times as “Convocations”, Feasts in the Law of Moses so that we can learn how/why we need to feast on our Lord (Jn 6:56, 1Cor 11:23-27).

Jesus is our Passover Lamb.  He died and gave His blood to allow us to escape the death angel who passes through God’s people Israel to kill all first born who are not redeemed by obeying God’s law and believe we need to apply His blood to us as symbolized in the Day of Atonement ceremony (Ex 12:41, 13:2-6, 14-16, Lev 16:14-22, 1Cor 5:7). 

 Jesus wants us to separate from the world to follow His ways, as He asked Abraham to do (Gen 12:1, Acts 18:26, Jn 17:14-17, Rom 8:6-8, 12-13, Eph 4:22-14).  These are pictured in His Holy Days in His Law and leads us to our spiritual deliverance in Jesus the Christ. Remember Jesus’ death for us (Lk 22:19, 1 Cor 11:24-27, Heb 8:8-11).

NOTE        See the following symbolic evidence of the four rivers in the world today.  2/4ths of the rivers are covered.  The flood of the #1 river covenant (Pishon) covered all the earth.  Rivers #1 and #2 are still covered:


The first 2 “river covenants” taught physical separation- from the world was of the flesh –i.e. cut off the physical world This was represented in the Covenant with Noah – Where a physical flood of water destroyed men physically. The covenant with Abraham required physical circumcision, the cutting off of the males foreskin was required (Gen 17:10-11). This symbol-ized cutting off the world of “flesh” (Rom 8:13, Phil 3:3, Col 2:11).

The last 2 “river covenants” teach spiritual separation -   “cut-off” the world by circumcising our heart –i.e. remove the foreskins of our hearts  -making your heart more sensitive to God’s Word and the Holy Spirit (Deut 6:6, 10:16, Rom 2:29, Col 2:11).  Moses taught to cut-off the world by heart circumcision (Lev 26:41-45, Dt 10:16).   

In the last covenant (the new) Jesus teaches us to move toward the light and away from darkness or perish – this is the judgment” (Jn 3:19-21).

See how we are to “die to self” to follow the Lord. The law does not die to us. We are to die to His Laws (Gal 2:19, 20).  Satan would like us to believe that the law dies.  He would like us to reject God’s Law and replace it with his own counterfeit law as he got Adam and Eve to do (Gen 3:1-5).

God’s law does not go away until all is accomplished (Mt 5:18,   all men realize ).  The law is to show us our sins (Rom 3:20, Gal 3:19).  If we do not die to His law, the Lord will bring all the good words and the threats upon us until we perish (Josh 23:12-16).

We are to separate from the world of flesh or live under curse and the threat of death in the law (Gen 2:17, Josh 23:12-16, Ezek 18:4, Col 2:14).

         Rivers represent teachings.
Isaiah 8:6-7 teaches about “gently flowing waters of Shiloh” vs. “rapid and abundant Euphrates.”   But the king of Judah sought help from Assyria, a powerful enemy - instead of seeking the Lord’s help (Is 7:1-9)! 
The teachings about Assyria were that the people were strong and abundant (2 Kin 16:7-9, Is 7:1-9). 

The Lord’s teachings from Shiloh taught to trust in the Lord.  
The message of God’s Word quietly teaches us His Ways - in His Law and His testimony (Gen 2:16-17, Is 8:19-20).  We need to quietly read and meditate on it.

Review and compare the “gently flowing waters of Shiloh” to “the rapid Euphrates.  Ahaz, king of Israel sought peace through an alliance with the king of Assyria.  He wrongly thought this promised peace through a military alliance with a strong enemy would bring peace for protection from internal disputes.

See the distinction in Romans.  Paul says that it is “the kindness of God that leads us to repentance (Rom 2:8).  Learn from the history of God’s People in the Old Testament (1Cor 10:1-11). The Lord’s Word is compared to a sound of a gentle blowing – not a great strong wind, and earthquake, or a fire (1Kin19:11-12).
Jesus says to “Come to Me -
and learn of Me, for I am gentle and you will find peace (Mt 11:28-30). This is what He had Abraham do when He called him.  This is what the Lord repeatedly warned Pharaoh through Moses before each plague in Egypt.  This is what He wanted Israel to do in Isaiah 6-8.  Also, He had Adam and Eve come to Him quietly in Eden. This is how He is calling us – through His quiet guidance of the Holy Spirit revealing His scripture teaching – waiting for us to repent - do it (Jn 16:7-12, 1Jn 2:20, 27)!  He is appealing to our conscience of our soul (Heb 9:13-14).
Now see the opposite.  Evil.
The devil is shrewd and deceitful, like the “sons of this age”- his servants (Lk 16:8). Today his army of servants (2Cor 11:14-15) are not dressed in red suits with horns and tails, but with fine clothes and standing in church pulpits, - as false shepherds (Ezek 34:2-10).  They are wolves in sheep’s clothing (Mt 7:15).  Satan is the one we must always be on guard against (Gen 14:21, Lk 8:12, 2Cor 4:4, 2Thes2:7-12, 1 Pet 5:8).

 But we are not to fear – only believe the Lord’s promises  and His covenant teachings telling us how to inherit His promises (Gen 12:1, 15:1, 17:1-2).  The Lord told Abraham – “Go where I will show you” (Gen 12:1), Lord told Joshua “How long will you put off taking possession of the land..,”  (Josh 18:3), Lord told King Ahaz of Judah?  “Assyrians evil plans will not stand – if you will not believe, you will not last!” (Is 7:4,7,9, 8: 6-9).

The people of Israel rejected the teachings from the gentle flowing waters of Shiloh, regarding the taking possession of the Lord’s Promised Land (Josh 18:1-8).  They listened to the strong and abundant waters from the King of Assyria (Is 8:6-8).

If we come to Jesus, the Word of God, we will not put trust in the devil’s teachings or follow his holy days to replace the regulations of divine worship in the Lord’s covenant (Mk 7:6-8, Heb 9:1).
“Why do you call Me Lord, Lord, and not do as I say” (­­­Lk 6:46-49). 


Why would we not want to please the Lord and keep His law?  Do you think He is pleased if you embrace some other denominational teachings such as changing God’s holy day from Saturday to Sunday?  He says He is a jealous God – His name is “Jealous” (Ex 20:5, 34:14).
Jesus loves you.  Show Him that you love Him (Jn 14:15).

Why does this spiritual warfare wage on? 
The Lord must test all men to see if they have inclined their heart to seek ’life and good’ or ‘death and evil’ (Duet 30;15, Eph 6:11-13).  We choose whether to “be slaves to” the ‘good word’ the Lord spoke in His Law concerning His followers, or remain slaves to sin (Rom 6:16-22).  
       If we ignore His promises -  the Lord must be just according to scripture and will bring upon us “all the threats” are brought upon us to destroy us  for transgressing His covenant, and from going to serve other gods through the devil’s doctrines (Ex 34:6-7, Lev 26:40-45, Dt 11:26,  Josh 23:11-13, Heb 6:1-8).

We have the choice of repenting as Jesus tells us in His teachings in Revelation to John encouraging us to overcome the devil (Revelation Chapters 2-3 and the references just given).
Our battle is against forces of wickedness in heavenly places.  Use the armor of God (Eph 6:10-12).

Jesus teaches, “Satan demands to sift us like wheat,” as with the apostle Peter (LK 22:31).  Satan, originally Lucifer, apostatized and set up an opposing system of worship of himself, against the Lord’s ways.

The mystery of lawlessness, which is in accordance with the activity of Satan, will lead a falling away – an apostasy before the Lord’s presence comes to separate men. The Lord will send a deluding influence so that they might believe what is false– that all may be judged who did not believe the truth but took pleasure in wickedness (2 Thes 2:11-12).

 Because the Lord must be just –and to allow men to freely choose who they will follow. He will allow them to choose between good and evil (Gen 2:16-17, Dt 30:15, Job 2 – 3, Eph 6:12, Rev CH 2-3).

But always remember, He will by no means leave the guilty unpunished. He must be just, watching to see how men respond to His grace (Ex 32:8, :33-34, 34:6-7, Rom 3:26).

Seek Jesus’ deliverance - follow Him out of sin.   Beware of the counterfeit doctrines and even counterfeit gospels which do not identify and glorify Jesus as our blood sacrifice but selfishly boast about their own works (Gal 2:13-20, Heb 10:26).

His plan of salvation is seen through His Holy Days
         for all who are in slavery to sin (Ex 13:3, Lev CH23, Rom 6:16-22).
Jesus fulfilled the law’s requirement of a sacrificial lamb in all of the Holy Feast days of the Lord. 
These are the "regulations of divine worship" contained in the covenants (Heb 9:1).


           Do not look for God’s plan of salvation in the world’s holidays. They are  a counterfeit plan of Satan.

The Lord said, “You yourselves have seen what I did to the Egyptians and how I bore you on eagle’s wings and brought you to Myself.  Now, if you will indeed obey My voice and keep My covenant then you shall be My own possession among all the peoples for the earth is Mine (Exodus 19:4-5).”
See Israel’s deliverance from the bondage of sin. They were to follow Jesus out of sin (Dt 6:20-25, 1Cor 10;1-11, Rom 15:4, Rom 11:5, 17-26).     
Choose your bondage (Rom 6:16-22)!

          Some know that the Bible teaches differently from today’s churches – as a wee small voice.  They still won’t repent (Jer 6:16-17).   They continue on in their traditions.  As Paul taught in His day to the Corinthian people, “Today is the day of salvation” (Rom 6:1,15, 2Cor 6:2). Are you at that point in your life?

Don’t be cut off from God’s people.  Jesus said, "If you don’t believe Moses’ writings  how will you believe My words?" (Jn 5:46-47)!

Satan has even stolen the seed of the Word right out of the soil of many of the church shepherd's  hearts (Mt 13: 19-22, Mk 4:15).
Should you follow the Bible?

 Are you following the Lord’s "regulations of divine worship", or are you following an “anti-Christ counterfeit worship plan” (Mark 7:6-8, Heb 9:1)?

If the facts upset you – the problem isn’t with the facts.

                    BIBLE  STUDY  RULES  FIRST
     1-       God Never Changes (Mal 3:6, Heb 13:8) 
     2-       The Lord has “ONE CHURCH” (Eph 4:4)

       These rules do not just apply to the New Testament church – but for all time, since before the foundation of the world (Eph 1:4). 
       This means all the changes our churches have incorporated shows us how far astray churches are today just as Israel people were all through the Bible (Mk 7:6-8).

All people - saved of all time are in God’s One Church!                                     You can sit next to Adam, Noah David, Sampson, Peter or Paul!

         Be consistent in interpreting the bible.  Use these general rules first!

Accept the Lord’s Covenant – not a denominational covenant.
          It is written in one book – the Bible.
          He will teach it to you with His eternal Holy Spirit (1John 2:20.27).

ASK for the Holy Spirit for guidance into all Truth (Jn 16:7-15).
Caution – follow His guidance or you blaspheme the Holy Spirit – our only source of the Truth (Josh 23:11-16, 1 John 2:20, 27).

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